This project seeks to expand common areas by redistributing partitions, using warmer materials for user comfort, and selecting lighting suitable for the type of healthcare activity.

Additionally, not only is the interior being modified, but also the facade, to offer a fresh, renewed image of the clinic.
The clinic needed a new image to attract a new audience, requiring a radical change. We opted for sustainable materials such as pine wood, flooring, and materials aligned with the new corporate image, not only aesthetically but also architecturally, providing a tranquil experience for the project’s users.

In addition to the use of high-quality and sustainable materials such as pine wood throughout the project, we believe that the significant impact lies in working with carpenters and specialists based in our city. We believe this will reduce transportation costs and pollution, and for this reason, we are committed to supporting local and proximity-based commerce.
The detail
Each piece of furniture is treated as an architectural element in full harmony with the rest of the space. Benches, sofas, side tables, reception desks, reprography furniture, and even signage are designed to unify the overall design. Vegetation is used as the only decorative element with the intention of representing the activity of an aesthetic clinic: HEALTH and WELL-BEING.
Regarding materials, they are given the importance they deserve, with special attention paid to their joints to ensure a unified stitching effect throughout the space. As for lighting, two conditions are sought: warmth to convey relaxation and comfort, and, on the other hand, it should come from sources hidden from view, generating indirect lighting.