To discover Casa AP4, you have to put it in context. We are in Madrid, an old shopping street that has evolved thanks to the conversion of its premises: a tattoo studio, spaces dedicated to body care, organic shops, international restaurants, old garages transformed into galleries and engraving workshops, etc… A reflection of what happens on different scales; in short, the evolution of a neighbourhood, a street and even a way of living in a 19th-century building.

In the CASA AP4 project, the nostalgia of a fire, the loneliness of an old man, and the enthusiasm of the young new owner to be part of the change merge.
A renovation approached as if it were an archaeological site, where the hammer, the chisel and the brushes become the tools to discover everything hidden under the ash.

Following this pattern is the brick wall that will characterise the house around the longitudinal axis on which the house is organised. A former corridor that is “cut out” thanks to simple and carefully thought-out strategies, such as partitions that do not reach the ceiling, allowing light to pass through, pieces of furniture that become divisions between spaces, constant changes in the dimensions of the spaces that give them interest or even colour accentuations as a nod to the contemporary as opposed to the past.

In conclusion, the PA4 project can be read as an intervention where tradition and innovation merge in the simplicity of its approach and the complexity of its execution.