Casa AB10

The Jerónimos neighbourhood, with its rich history and the presence of landmarks such as the Retiro Park and the Jerónimos Church, suggests a strong connection to Madrid’s history and culture. In this context, the architectural project ‘Casa AB10’, which seeks to be a ‘Madrid house’ in its layout, is aligned with an approach that respects and reflects the legacy of the surroundings while adopting a modern design.

Fotografías – Alberto Amores

The decision not to entirely remove the traditional partitioning is significant; it indicates a respect for the structure and spatial layout typical of houses in the region.

Fotografías – Alberto Amores

Maintaining select structural components is often vital for retaining the unique ‘spirit’ of a home, a characteristic shaped by an interplay of cultural, historical, and practical considerations.
The balance between modernity and tradition is a key challenge in the renovation of buildings in historical contexts.

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